Widgets are tabs and elements from the Editor created by Snappii users with predefined content. Users have the ability to save their tabs and elements with content as widgets that they can later use in their other apps. Users can suggest adding widgets they treat as extremely useful for every […]
Calculate button
This element is added to the Universal Form. It is added on the Universal Form element together with the formula fields. When you click it, it performs calculations. Once you add it, you will see the list of available formulas. You can specify which one you want to be calculated […]
What is the Calculator button?
The calculator button allows you to make calculations using the date/time and/or number formula fields within a form. Drag and drop text or datetime fields onto Calculator tab/button. Choose the “Number” in the Data type of your text field and date, time or datetime format in your datetime field. To […]
Can I build apps that take credit card payments?
Yes. Snappii provides PayPal support for credit card payment functionality. PayPal allows users to purchase physical goods or services such as organization memberships that give users benefits outside the app itself. Use of the PayPal function for the following types of purchases is not allowed (from Apple review guidelines): — […]
What are the Product List Tab/Buttons & Shopping Cart?
Product List works pretty much the same way as usual List tab/button does. There is a sample spreadsheet which can be downloaded and modified according to your needs. In difference with List controls Product List contains pricing details which are visible then in the app. As well the Details page […]
Push Notifications
Push Notification is a built-in technology in smart phones that allow pop ups to appear when notifications are pushed out. They are a great way to keep your users updated on the latest happenings with your business. Please keep in mind that Apple rejects apps that send promotional material “Apps […]
JS Plugin Tab/Button
Extend you app with HTML, CSS, JAVA Script code to do anything you want. For example use in-app HTML to create custom database query, registrations, integration with other systems, etc. You can re-use existing code from your website. Read more about JS Plugin Tab/Button in our Snappii User Manual here
What is the RSS button?
RSS looks like a news feed when added to an app. User can read news right from your site, and recurrently visit it. If your site doesn’t have an RSS, then you could add an RSS about the topic around your app. Some Snappii users get an RSS from their […]
What is the Photo Button?
The Photo Button lets developers create apps that leverage the mobile device camera to take pictures which can be shared, emailed, posted to a website, and sent to a corporate database. The camera has become a scanner of sorts to take pictures of documents and for other personal and business […]
What is the Custom Tab/Button?
Use a Custom Tab to create a totally customized page where you can drag and drop text, images, email button, call button, social media buttons, hyperlink button and YouTube button, etc. This enables you to have total freedom and control over layout of buttons and screen elements. You can build […]