Get directions button

This button is added to all advanced controls including: Advanced Map, Advanced Gallery, and Advanced List. When the button is tapped in the app, the data from the specified location field will be used as the destination. The starting location in most cases will be the user’s current location.  However, […]

What is the Advanced Map tab/button?

The Advanced Map allows users to show all items from the list on a map. You must add latitude/longitude location column to the list. You have total control over the Map view now. Choose to: –Text for each pin on a map –Information your app users will see once the […]

What is the Map tab?

With the Map Tab you have the ability to display your business locations on a map, and give users directions how to get there. This will help users of your app to visually see how to get to your business locations. To add this tab to your apps, log in, […]

What does Pagination allow to do?

Pagination makes it possible to split long digital forms into several pages for an easier and more convenient access. Each page can be submitted separately if all required fields are filled out properly. Percents at the bottom right corner show how much of the form is already completed. Read how […]

How to create custom PDF reports?

First, create PDF templates using online tools like or  Take any PDF form you already have and import it into Snappii Editor when creating a Universal form. Simply create your PDF file and name the form fields according to your fields in the Datasource. Save the PDF. Create […]

Share Form Report

This setting allows you to specify what you want users to do with the submitted report: –          View and Save –          Just Save –          By the user’s choice –          By the boolean’s input choice

Universal Form Wizard

Fields Wizard allows to create a form that can be saved as a template form. Click on a field you want to add to your form, click Add, name it and it will appear in your form. You can save the form fields as a template and use in your […]

Embedded Forms

Forms can be embedded on advanced list, gallery and map detail views and also on custom tabs/button views.  In this way, multiple forms could be added on one page. You can choose if this form is displayed as a button, or as framed view, specify the element height and width. […]

Table selection

The table selection control is used to allow users to create relationships between the data entered/edited on the form, and the data selected on the table selection control. Table selection allows to: – fill table element with data from data source. – replace table element with a more user friendly […]

What is the Universal Form tab/button?

Universal form is a combination of a simple Form and a Form that uses DataSource. If you need to put a form to your app, you can choose whether to use a simple form or a form that would take data from the DataSource. Use Universal Form to create input […]